Monday, April 18, 2011

Looking your best on your wedding day

Remember to get enough sleep starting one month out from your wedding day. Your wedding will come along as a fast moving train and then come to a halt for one 8 hour day. As a photographer I have noticed many brides who had too much fun and did not look their best on their wedding day. I spend too much time in front of a computer and have bags under my eyes. The best thing is if you pick the right person to photograph your wedding you could even pay for extra softening if you needed it.

The reason why I mention to pick the right photographer because it will be through their eyes as to how you will look in your pictures. An friend taking photos will probably know nothing about facial analysis. We do and we look for the best sides of the face to photograph. Just a slight tilt of the head can make your groom look stronger and it is something he could regret the rest of his life. Simple things are what makes one photographer stand out. If you want to look at my site you can see a lot of images both with added color and without. Our gallery section has the most wedding photos as well as some on our home page.

If we could help you in any way contact us at 774-238-0719. We have a fantastic sale during the month of April if you are looking to save.


Richard Talmage
Richard Talmage Photograhpy
P. O. Box 1812
Mashpee, MA 02649

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